Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Moving Forward....

Over the summer, in order to prepare for the new season of Belmont’s Room in the Inn, all of us on the leadership team read the book Shelter by Scott Seider, explaining the ins and outs of a shelter in Harvard. The book really helped us to better grasp the mission of our program and demonstrate to us the impact that we as students will have on the people we serve. 

As a community, by impacting others we can make an impact on ourselves in a way that may change our view of homelessness for the better. By sharing our hearts and our stories to these men, we may learn as much or more from them as they learn from us. In Shelter, it focused on giving the guests an opportunity to teach others and share their knowledge to a younger generation, making both guests and students volunteers to each other. Service can impact so many lives, and it is through service that we, as well as the greater community, are transformed.

This year, we are anticipating a lot of growth. With a new leadership team, we have learned to depend on each other as well as Belmont's campus community to make growth possible. With the framework of Shelter in mind, we are looking forward to embracing this season of Room in the Inn as we serve our brothers in the Nashville community with open eyes and open hearts.

Post Written by Elizabeth Pirani, Volunteer Coordinator

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